The Sound Sniffer’s Post Lockdown Mixtape #51

Where do I start on this one? A lot has happened since the last instalment of the Post Lockdown Mixtape. Time has shunted by at pace and there's barely been time for a stock take. Next Monday this blog officially begins to transition into other realms and avenues. It will be the big day, the... Continue Reading →

The Sound Sniffer’s Post Lockdown Mixtape #50

Writing has taken the back seat a little as a new obsession takes hold. I am totally obsessed with booking gigs now! I mean, it’s not the worst obsession in the world – but it’s a very tricky one to control. I’m addicted.. as soon as one is pencilled in, I begin squirrelling away on... Continue Reading →

The Sound Sniffer’s ‘Post’ Lockdown Mixtape #49

It's been a while since I opened the laptop lid and decided to portion some time to a 'post' lockdown mixtape. I've been doing a lot of internal mulling and musing over the past few weeks so naturally public mutterings on The Sound Sniffer have fallen by the wayside a little. Lately, I've had to... Continue Reading →

The Sound Sniffer’s Post Lockdown Mixtape #48

As we reach winter's peak, it's not exactly a 'post' lockdown mixtape this time is it? Masks are back, solitude is advised again - all things considered, I don't think it's as bad as last year - the year the Irish Government texted me on Christmas morning asking me to eat my Christmas dinner in... Continue Reading →

The Sound Sniffer’s ‘Post’ Lockdown Mixtape #46

I've had the house to myself for a week and it's been very enjoyable. I've been so used to sharing my space and living with others so this week of solitude has been pretty relaxing. I've been just chilling around the place, lounging, walking about - I'm a solitary creature at heart and this time... Continue Reading →

The Sound Sniffer’s ‘Post’ Lockdown Mixtape #44

I had my first lazy day in ages today. Sometimes a lazy day is needed, although taking one always has to be done in moderation. Too many lazy days consecutively can result in productivity screeching to a halt and that is a dangerous thing. I woke up at the normal time today but stayed in... Continue Reading →

The Sound Sniffer’s ‘Post’ Lockdown Mixtape #43

Monday: The day most hate with a passion. It's the day I love the most. As I work in hospitality as my main career, Monday has always been that much needed day off after a weekend of high octane intensity. There is a certain excitement to a Monday morning as I tend to plan my... Continue Reading →

The Sound Sniffer’s ‘Post’ Lockdown Mixtape #42

My life has gone totally mad recently which has left a whole host of songs in my queue unshared. I will attempt to catch up on lost time and share a good few of them this afternoon in this edition of the 'Post' Lockdown Mixtape. I've been focusing on the logistics of getting some big... Continue Reading →

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